Sunday, June 6, 2010

Final Post!!

The project and this part of my journal is all finished. Last few notes on the whole experience...

Major conceptual and in some respects technical inspiration:
The artist known only as BLU (see more at
I really cannot escape the influence of this guy over my drawing based art. Since I first saw his ambitous masterpiece of an animation MUTO I was blown away. I think I included that video in one of the first posts. At the start of the semester I was thinking in completely different direction to where I ended up. Where I ended up I believe signifies the impact of this artist on my own artmaking. Both in terms of style and narrative. 

The Final Product and the intended screen:
For this project and the other two little ones completed this semester I think they best fit the Youtube screen. I think presenting on this platform raises interesting questions about art. Am I less of an artist for using Youtube?? I dunno and I don't really care. My main concern is reaching an audience and getting them to think about what I might be saying.

Heres the final product as it is seen on Youtube (it has sound so turn on the speakers)..

The Narrative:
Conceptually I'm most influenced by the ecological/socialogical discourses I picked up a couple of years back doing an Arts degree. These discourses opened my mind (in terms of critical thinking) and my eyes to the ugly situation people and the environment is in. The narrative in the short animation is really metaphorical, but I hope its not too abstract that the intended message will be missed all together. The big clues are in the ants and the bird.

The artform of animation:
I really freakin like it. I really hope to develop future animations. The thing I like most is the multimodal aspect. Engaging both sound and visuals. I also like that animations can embody a linear narrative. Lastly, I like the idea that anybody might enjoy my animation, maybe a kid, maybe somebody from another country, maybe somebody that thinks they hate art, maybe anyone.

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